Lindian Myth Rhodes

Lindos, Hellas Flagget til Hellas

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  • Air condition
  • Flyplass Rhodos (RHO): 51.7 km (55 mins)
  • Flyplass Santorini (JTR): 349 km (15 hours 7 mins)

Gjesters vurdering

| 4,8/5
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Om hotellet

Lindian Myth apartments and studios in Lindos Rhodes island are located in the beautiful Lindos, an area that distinguishes for its traditional colours, beauty and remarkable history.

Lindian Myth is situated in an idyllic location of Lindos, with wonderful views of the Acropolis in the eastern side. Lindos is about 55 km south of Rhodes Town, while it is one of the places every visitor should see. It lies at the Cape of Krana. The famous Acropolis of Lindos on the top of the hill impresses every visitor. If you look down the Acropolis, on the bay, you will see the church of St. Paul, built at the point where the saint disembarked after a big storm during his trip to Jerusalem.

Lindian Myth studios complex offers a comfortable accommodation in Rhodes, in a cozy and friendly ambience.

Lindian Myth apartments are built according to the traditional architecture of Lindos. All rooms and common areas are designed with imagination and according to fengshui, offering an enjoyable and affordable accommodation in Lindos.

Come and relax in your room balcony enjoying the magnificent view. Enjoy your coffee in one of Lindos cafes, entertain at the nightclubs and try local recipes! 

We are waiting for you in our studios in Lindos Rhodes, a small paradise called Lindian Myth and promise you a memorable vacation in Rhodes island. 


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